“Biodiversity net gain (BNG) is a way to contribute to the recovery of nature while developing land. It is making sure the habitat for wildlife is in a better state than it was before development.”
This will apply from 12th February 2024 for major developments in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, unless exempt. It will apply to small sites from 2nd April 2024.
- Baseline Assessments (habitats, hedgerows and watercourses)
- Feasibility Studies
- Biodiversity Net Gain Plans
Our Ecology team are ACCREDITED to undertake the approved field and desk study measures required to generate the River Condition outputs for Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) calculations (Statutory Biodiversity Metric).
River Condition Assessments can ONLY be undertaken by accredited ecologists unlike for habitat and linear condition assessments.
A minimum 10% net gain (Local Authority dependant) will need to be demonstrated.

Appraisal and Assessment
Landscape Sensitivity/ Capacity Studies
Option Appraisals
Landscape/ Townscape/ Seascape Character Assessment
Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA)
Landscape and Visual Appraisal (LVA)
Green Belt Review
Expert Witness
Strategic Land Promotion
Design and Masterplanning
Landscape Strategy/Typology
Overall Landscape Masterplan
Landscape Enhancement and Mitigation for Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
Detailed Soft Landscaping
Detailed Hard Landscaping
Construction Details
Supporting Documentation
Landscape Management Plans
Soft Landscape Specifications
Maintenance Schedules
ES Chapters
Tree Surveys
BS5837 Tree Surveys
Arboricultural Impact Assessments (AIA)
Arboricultural Method Statements (AMS)
Tree Health and Condition Surveys
Assessment and Valuation
Quantified Tree Risk Assessment (TRA) Surveys
Capital Asset Valuation of Amenity Trees (CAVAT) Surveys
Estate Tree Inventory Surveys
Arboricultural Clerk of Works
Aerial Tree Inspections
Woodland Management Plans
Mitigation and Compensation Measures

We actively engage as an integrated consultancy as part of a wider design team.
Our three main disciplines can be appointed as a collective, or individually, depending on the requirements and stage of the project.
Drawings are prepared in our own Biodiversity Net Gain format, allowing us to streamline the design process and maximising what can be achieved. The document management systems we have in place support ease of collaborative exchange of information.
We pride ourselves on a quick response and the synergy between our disciplines.
Appraisal and Assessment
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
Preliminary Roost Assessment
Hedgerow Regulations Assessment
Habitat Regulations Assessment
National Vegetation Classification
Ecological Impact Assessment
Protected Species Surveys
Bat Emergence / Return
Bat Activity Transect
Bat Hibernation
Great Crested Newt (presence / absence & population assessment, eDNA and Habitat Suitability Index)
Breeding Bird
Wintering Bird
Barn Owl
Hazel Dormouse
Water Vole
White-clawed Crayfish
Section 41 Species (e.g. harvest mice, hedgehog)
Non-native Invasive Species Survey
Ecological Mitigation and Enhancement Strategies (EMES)
Construction and Ecological Management Plans (CEMP)
Landscape and Ecological Management Plans (LEMP)
Natural England (NE) and Natural Resources Wales (NRW) licence applications including NE fast-track options (Earned Recognition and Bat Mitigation Class Licence)
Urban Greening Factor (UGF)
Biodiversity Net Gain
Baseline Assessments (habitats, hedgerows and watercourses)
Feasibility Studies
Biodiversity Net Gain Plans
Habitat Banking